There Is a Season

This year fall held on as long as it could with warmish days and many plants eeking out every last possible fruit. I was able to pick tomatoes, peppers, and eggplant into late October, a first since we moved here. But now the rains have marched in and so has the cold, and as the calendar flipped to November, I realized we haven’t written in a while. We’ve had a lot going on, including changes here on the farm.

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Storing Summer’s Goodness

If you had observed me in the garden and row crop section over the last month or so, you might have dubbed me a stalker. I’ve been roaming the rows, peaking through leaves, examining fruit for growth and change in color, pruning lower branches and snipping excess flowers. Now my obsession has started to pay off, as we are finally(!) reaping the fruits of our labor.

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